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Fees and deposits
Fees and deposits are due when you request services. Fees are nonrefundable.
- Service of process: $80 per person being served
- Fee waived for Domestic Abuse Orders for Protection and Harassment Restraining Orders
- Writ of Recovery (eviction): $125 (includes posting of writ and physical lock-out)
- Eviction Summons & Eviction Action Complaint (Unlawful Detainer): $80 per person being served
- Civil standby / property standby: $100 per hour
- Vehicle seizure: $1,000 deposit
Writs of Execution
- Writ of Execution: $100 deposit payable to HCSO + separate $15 check payable to employer or financial institution for wage or bank levy
- Service fee: $80
- Levy: $10
- Debtor Mailing Fee: $10
- Execution commission: 5%
- Execution sale: $110
Mortgage Foreclosures & Sales
- Redemption request: $250
- Affidavit of Postponement: $50
- Notice of Intent to Redeem: $100
- Mortgage foreclosure sale: $75
- Outside bidder fee: $200
- Judgment and decree deposit: $300
- Judgment and decree sale: $110
- Posting fee: $70
- Lien / UCC sale: $85
- Report of sale: $20